57 New Year Resolutions Ideas For 2024 That Will Support Your Health And Happiness

Starting a New Year is often a great opportunity to re-align the mindset and shift the energy for a new period. Have you set yourself goals for the new year? This blog post is full of inspiration and motivation for resolutions that will help you set the tone for the New Year and encourage you to make small habit changes and shift your behavior a bit for you to become an even healthier version of yourself and improve your well-being. We hope it enables you to identify what's important to you and that it will encourage and motivate you to continue to grow.

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1. Break the dieting cycle and create a sustainable, nourishing eating pattern

We believe in creating sustainable long-term patterns that are easy to stick to. Be gentle with yourself and enjoy food that makes you feel good. Creating healthy eating habits is not about stopping eating everything that doesn’t benefit you, it is about making the best decision for your well-being 80% of the time and then without any guilt enjoying whatever you are longing for 20% of the time. That way you should find a good balance for yourself and not feel restricted or limited in any way while still creating healthy eating patterns for you.

2. Drink more water

Drinking water is essential for many bodily functions, drinking enough water keeps our gut healthy and activates our metabolism. Water helps with food breakdown and helps dissolve vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from our food. It then delivers these vitamin components to the rest of our body for use. Water consumption also helps lubricate and cushion our joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

3. Eat veggies regularly

Vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Making sure your meals consist of vegetables will contribute to a nutrient-dense meal. A diet rich in vegetables can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower the risk of digestive problems, and have a positive effect on blood sugar that will help keep the appetite in check.

4. Enjoy your food, and don’t feel guilty

It is hard to eat healthy all the time and not always an option. So when you can make a healthy choice for yourself, you do so. The times when you eat less healthily, remember that there is no reason to feel guilty about your choice. Feeling guilty is only going to create a negative relationship with your food and even yourself. Take a conscious decision and decide on enjoying what you are about to eat instead. You will not only feel better during your meal but also after. Shift your mindset and be kind to yourself.

5. Eat nutrient-dense foods

You can improve your diet without going on a strict diet and limiting food. There are so many healthy alternatives you can just start by adding to your meal that will not only give you the nutrients you need but also make you feel better during and after the meal.

6. Cut back on alcohol

In addition to physical health problems that are associated with alcohol consumption, it can also affect your mental well-being, such as stress and anxiety. Cutting back on this consumption may help you feel better both physically and mentally.

7. Eat more fruits, berries, seeds, and nuts

Fruits, berries, seeds, and nuts are packed with minerals and vitamins. Therefore adding them to your daily diet will improve your intake of these nutrients. They can also enhance your gut health.

8. Limit refined sugars

Eat more natural sugars that are found in fruits, berries, etc. In that way, you will also receive the good vitamins and fibers that they contain. Too much-refined sugar will have negative effects on your health and will spike your blood sugar levels which is something you want to avoid happening. The more you try to keep your blood sugar level in balance the better you will feel.

9. Cook more meals at home, from scratch

When you prepare your own meals you have more control over the ingredients. In that way, you can ensure it’s fresh and wholesome and does not contain additives that you would prefer to avoid. Making your own food is a very important step towards better health and will also improve your connection with food. Cooking with love and care gives your food another meaning and will give you a more mindful approach to food and ingredients.


10. Take more me-time and practice self-care

Practice self-care is essential for your well-being but can often be forgotten. Self-care is your way of recognizing your physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional needs. It’s your way to stay connected with yourself and what you need. Self-care activities don’t have to take long or cost anything but they can be as simple as taking a moment to sit down in peace and quiet, moving your body (workout, stretch, or just a walk), doing a skin routine, or socializing with your friends and family.

11. Make time for family and friends

Spending quality time with loved ones can increase happiness and satisfaction. It can really boost your energy and can take off any stress or tension you might be experiencing. Make time for your loved ones and find the joy in laughing, sharing, and caring for one another.

12. Move your body

Moving the body regularly releases endorphins and helps relieve stress and tension. It benefits you from your brain to your joints. It doesn’t always have to be a workout but it can be as simple as a walk or a stretch. Having movement as a part of your lifestyle will not only benefit your well-being now but also your future self.

13. Walk more

You can easily add more walking into your life by always taking the stairs, parking your car at some distance from your destination, and taking a walking break at work. It reduces weight, prevents diabetes, and can even help with depression and fatigue. Plus, it's a low-impact workout that won't jeopardize your joints. We could go on - but suffice it to say that this is an underrated form of exercise for a reason.

Source: Harvard health publishing, 5 surprising benefits of walking, 2022

14. Skincare routine

Having a good and consistent skincare routine can be such a good way to relax and take a few minutes for yourself. Choose your products wisely and remember that less is more. Use good oils, a dry brush, and hydration. When applying the products be mindful of the moment and do it with love and care.

15. Change your environment

Changing your surroundings whether it is to work from a different place, go on a short trip or do something you have never done before can improve your physical and mental health, motivation, and perspective. A change can help you feel refreshed and energized.

16. Set boundaries

Healthy boundaries are necessary components for self-care. Without boundaries, we can feel depleted, taken advantage of, taken for granted, or intruded upon. Whether it’s in work or in our personal relationships, poor boundaries may lead to resentment and anger.

17. Take short breaks during your workday

Taking a break can lead to higher productivity, greater creativity, and stronger motivation. It is nevertheless important for your physical health as you get stiff from sitting down for a longer period of time, reducing discomfort and giving your body a rest.

18. Focus on quality sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep has many health benefits. It can improve concentration and productivity, maximize athletic performance, strengthen your heart, support a healthy immune system and it affects emotions and social interactions. There are many things that you can do to improve your sleep, such as decreasing screen time before bed, meditation, or any other activity that makes your body and mind to de-stress.

If you have small children that don’t allow you to sleep through the night, remember that it’s only a phase and you will get your sleep back. Just make sure that you make the most of the sleep you get so limit screen time before you fall asleep, keep the lights down and try to go to sleep as early as possible.

19. Try new activities

Trying new things not only helps us to vanquish our fears but also allows us to expand our minds and learn.

Personal development

20. Create daily routines

Small habits lead to big changes. Daily routines are your way to make sure you get into those things that matter to you. Whether it is how you start your day or what you eat for breakfast or how you start your workday. These small moments matter and are what will add up and support your health in every way.

21. Go outside your comfort zone regularly

Leaving your comfort zone allows you to have new experiences and to engage in activities that you haven’t before, all while opening you up to meet new people and see things from a different perspective. If you are open to trying this, you are open to all sorts of possibilities you may not have thought possible.

22. Give yourself more compliments

Giving yourself compliments is just as beneficial as receiving them from loved ones, or even strangers. It boosts your self-esteem and reminds you of how fantastic you are. Look at yourself in the mirror and be very authentic with yourself. Compliment yourself and show yourself love.

23. Learn something new

Learning new things can be a valuable experience. It can open your eyes to new possibilities, increase confidence and even improve mental health. Our fear is what usually stops us

24. Say goodbye to toxic relationships

An unhealthy relationship takes time away from the healthy relationships in your life and makes it difficult for you to surround yourself with positivity. It may leave you feeling mentally or physically exhausted and your energy is better spent elsewhere.

25. Practice gratitude

Being thankful for all the things you have in your life takes practice. Often we tend to focus on what is not going so well and get stuck in the thought pattern. Take a moment and list everything you are thankful for. Start your morning by pinpointing 5 things you are thankful for in your life and end your day with 5 things you were thankful for that happened that day. This practice will shift your mindset for the better and bring more positivity and gratitude into your life.

26. Create meaningful connections

Be curious about the people around you, ask them meaningful questions, and connect with them on a deeper level. To actively listen to the people you love and to show them uninterrupted attention is so valuable for them and will strengthen your connection with them.

27. Meet new people

Meeting new people can lead to new opportunities. It opens doors and exposes us to new things. It helps us get out of our comfort zone, and gives us the opportunity to learn more.

28. Start working out with your partner or friend

Is your motivation lacking? That's not a problem, because you can build social support and wholesome habits together and keep each other accountable. A good idea is to do exercises like yoga because it suits all fitness levels and contributes to both the mind and body. Invite your friend or your partner to your next yoga class you will do at home and enjoy the class together.

29. Slow down

We live in such a fast phase society. Everything needs to happen now and yet we have so many things to take care of. It all starts with our mindset and the respect we show ourselves in those situations. Learn to slow down, learn to prioritize what really matters, and slow down.

30. Learn to say no

Often we say yes but we want to say no. For some reason, it can be hard to say no at times and we feel like it could hurt others or even be rude. It isn’t. Your well-being should always be number one and learning to be in control of your life by saying no when you are not up for something. People will respect that you say no, it shows honesty and self-respect. Try it and see how it will shift your energy for the better.

31. Listen to podcasts or read a book

Podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years. One reason for their popularity is that they allow us to learn more about different topics. With podcasts, it's easy to become more involved and educated in the areas that interest you most. Podcasts encourage active listening by stimulating the brain, which helps us engage on a deeper level.


33. Be more present

Learning to become more present can be life-changing. To be more aware of what is happening at the moment, feel and listen, and be connected to your environment. Having this ability will help you enjoy the little things and will support your daily life. Doing Yoga and meditation are great ways to start practicing being more present.

34. Pay attention to your breath

When we start to notice how we breathe and how breath can affect our wellbeing, we can let the breath help us in various situations. When feeling stressed or nervous practice deep breaths, when feeling low in energy practice quick breaths and when feeling overwhelmed practice breath holds. Breathwork is a powerful tool and something we highly recommend using.

35. Spend more time outside

Time spent outdoors can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, slow heart rate, and boost your mood. It can help you take your mind off things and will shift your energy.

36. Take a cold shower or bath

Exposing your body to cold temperatures has many health benefits, including increasing your energy and making you happier. Doing cold exposure therapy also makes you warmer, meaning that when the human body experiences the environment as cold, it starts heating the body from the inside to stabilize the core body temperature. If you regularly go into cold environments for the right amount of time, you build your body's ability to create inner warmth and heating. Other benefits of cold exposure are better sleep, speed-up metabolism, fat burn, increased recovery, and improved immune system just to name a few.

37. Limit screen time

Reducing screen time frees up more time to connect with yourself and loved ones. Feeling connected to yourself and others can help ward off symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety. We often miss out on the fun and beauty that is happening all around us because of screens. Check your screen activities and make sure you keep them under control.

38. Meditate

Mindfulness practices such as Meditation may help you to manage stress, be more present, and reduce anxiety. People who practice mindfulness report an increased ability to relax, greater enthusiasm for life, and improved self-esteem. Our Meditation classes are built for people who live busy lives but still want to get in a few minutes of meditation into their day to help them relax and feel more centered.

39. Start journaling

We have so many thoughts going around in our heads every day and we often keep a lot of information, feelings, experiences, beliefs, and thoughts inside of us. In order to get clarity and release, it is really beneficial to sometimes write and just transmit what’s inside of us onto a piece of paper.

40. Read more books

Reading is great for you because it will improve your focus and give you time to relax. It is also a great way to put the screens away and give your nervous system a break.

41. Do a digital detox

Decide on a day/s each week or each month when you do a digital detox. No phones are allowed and you stay off social media, news, and everything that can create noise in your head and distract you. Such a good way to focus completely on yourself.

42. Self-compassion

Self-compassion is something we should pay attention to. Instead of criticizing our own acts, we are kind and understanding to ourselves. We encourage and support ourselves instead of judging and talking down to us. Speak to you as you would speak to someone you really love.

43. Make your home cozy

Having a cozy home allows you to find a better balance. Clutter around you can create clutter in your head. Minimize the things around you, gives each item a home in your home, and give your home some love with candles and other cozy elements. The coziness of your home also encourages you to slow down when at home and will give your head some peace and quiet.

44. Accept and appreciate

Learning to accept and appreciate that things come and go. By paying attention to this you start to become more appreciative of the fact that nothing is permanent, everything comes and goes. We start to take in the moment and be more conscious of the environment and what we have here and now.

45. Do a social media detox

Stepping away from social media can help you stay calm and fight anxiety, FOMO, and exhaustion. Cutting back on your social media usage may also boost your mood, productivity, and social connections. A social media cleanse can also lead to positive physical changes like better sleep, less eye strain, and an improved posture. And if you want to try a social media cleanse but don't know how exactly to start? Don't worry - it doesn't have to be all or nothing!

46. Focus on your breathing

Focusing on your breathing can bring you out of this intense state of alertness. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing, activate your parasympathetic nervous system and slows your heart rate and blood pressure. This signals to your mind that you're in a calm state, which can eventually make you feel calm as well.


47. Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing

Enjoying exercise will greatly increase your motivation and in turn, give stability to your routine. When you enjoy what you are doing, you are more likely to come back to it. So find something that you truly enjoy, something that motivates you to show up, and that gives you a good feeling both during and after a workout.

48. Create a workout schedule/routine

Creating a workout schedule or routine has many benefits. It can motivate and keep you accountable, as well as make the whole endeavor of getting regular exercise much easier. A good workout plan keeps you going and makes you more proficient, both when it comes to movement and building healthy habits.

49. Stay consistent in your workout

Staying consistent is the critical driver of success. Start with being consistent with your small habits. It can take discipline in the beginning but with time you will start to nurture them consistently because they become essential for you. The main drive to stay constant is to know why you do something and how it makes you feel.

50. Sit less

Breaking your sitting cycle with periods of light physical activity is beneficial for cardiometabolic health. Too much sitting drains your energy, makes your joints stiff, and affects your overall health. Remind yourself to take short breaks during your workday if you are sitting down most of the day. This also applies to your spare time if you are watching tv or sitting by the computer. Aim for moving 1-2 times an hour.

51. Set specific goals

Setting goals can motivate you to stay on track and provides a measure of how well you are doing. The key is keeping your goals realistic, and well-planned which will keep you focused and motivated.

52. Try new workouts

Trying new workouts will increase the chance of you getting excited about exercise again. To introduce something new to your body and mind and see how it reacts to it.

53. Invest in new workout gear

Buying new workout wear not only helps you work out more efficiently, but it will also motivate you to keep meeting your workout goals. When you look good, you feel good. A classic pair of black tights is not only workout appropriate but also super chic and comfortable to wear as an everyday outfit. One of our favorite brands when it comes to workout wear is the Swedish fashion brand Aim’n creating amazing pieces for women.

54. Be active whenever possible

Good physical health is about more than just eating healthy and exercising. Being physically active can lead to better posture, strength, and flexibility, among other things. Moving your body in any way will help you maintain your well-being and balance your mental health as well.

55. Become more body aware

Becoming more body aware helps you notice changes. If we become more body aware, we become more likely to notice stress, anxiety, and tension in our bodies. One of the main benefits of body awareness is having a strong body-mind connection. When you know and feel where your body is in space, you’re better able to direct it to do what you want it to do. So if you experience some pain or tension you might be more likely to know what is causing it due to your awareness.

56. Stretch more

Stretching can improve flexibility and as a result, the range of motion in your joints. This may also result in improved performance in physical activities and decrease the risk of injuries. It is common that stretching “doesn’t count as a workout” but it absolutely does. It is just as important as strength workouts.

57. Start your mornings with a yoga flow or stretch to wake up the body

Starting the day with yoga can prepare the body for digestion, calm the nervous system, relax the body and mind, lower blood pressure and help the immune system do its job.

We hope that this list gave you some inspiration to invest in yourself in the New Year. Your health should be your first priority and taking care of your body and mind is where you start. Be kind to yourself always, listen to what you need, make space for yourself and enjoy life.

Hi! I'm Sara, the founder of Withsara. I have been a fitness group instructor, Barre teacher and Yoga teacher for over 10 years. I am also a certified Nutritional Health Coach from IIN in New York, USA.

After giving birth to my two beautiful daughters, I have had to build up my body twice after my pregnancies. With my experience, I have created a workout that is a great combination of low impact, functional movement, pilates, barre, and yoga. It builds up deep core strength, creates sustainable and lasting change, relieves physical tension and mental stress, and gives you an overall healthier and happier body.

Sara’s Instagram page


The Power of Gratitude


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