Modifying workouts

Should you modify your movements

I wanted to share with you a common question from members:  “Will I get as much out of my workouts if I do the modifications?”

The reason I show the modifications in particular exercises is that I want everyone to be able to do the workout at their own levels and feeling safe while doing it.  Modifications will help you understand the movement better, build up the strength in the safest way, and decrease the risk of doing the exercises incorrectly. 

After my pregnancies, I had to modify everything for the first few months. It was sometimes challenging for my head to accept that I couldn’t do the exercises that I used to before being pregnant.  But I wanted to gain my strength back without harming the body and be careful throughout the process. So I decided that I would build up strength in the safest way I could instead of pushing myself to do something that my body wasn’t ready for.  That meant modifying almost everything until I was ready to move into more advanced movements. 

To be honest, I still modify sometimes to make sure I am doing the movement correctly.  It gives me a better feeling of what muscles to activate and correct body alignment.  Doing modification helps you perform the movement correctly, prevents injury and creates space for improvement.

Hi! I'm Sara, the founder of Withsara. I have been a fitness group instructor, Barre teacher and Yoga teacher for over 10 years. I am also a certified Nutritional Health Coach from IIN in New York, USA.

After giving birth to my two beautiful daughters, I have had to build up my body twice after my pregnancies. With my experience, I have created a workout that is a great combination of low impact, functional movement, pilates, barre, and yoga. It builds up deep core strength, creates sustainable and lasting change, relieves physical tension and mental stress, and gives you an overall healthier and happier body.

Sara’s Instagram page


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