Pomegranate Smoothie

Smoothie for the Follicular Phase

Nourish your mind, body and soul with this delicious and abundantly nutritious pomegranate smoothie consciously designed with the follicular phase in mind. As you move through this phase you will experience a steady rise in estrogen as you proceed towards ovulation. Typically, in the follicular phase women will experience balanced mood and energy as well as rapid muscle restoration and optimised metabolism making it the ideal time for HIIT, cardio endurance and strengthening and conditioning exercises. 

As we increase our energy exertion it’s essential we nourish our bodies mindfully, particularly following the menstruation phase where we lose iron throughout our bleed - a mineral responsible for energy, cognition and muscle restoration specifically. As always, each meal should be founded in fibre, protein and nourishing fat to support balanced blood sugar and then supported by ingredients rich in probiotics to support a prosperous gut microbiome, and restorative micronutrients such as iron and vitamin c. 

Pomegranate Smoothie

Time: 3 mins prep

Quantity: 1 serve

Phase: Follicular


  • 3/4 cup water or coconut water

  • 1/3 avocado

  • 1/2 pomegranate (seeds)

  • 1/4 cup greek yoghurt

  • 1/3 cup frozen raspberries (melted)

  • 1 tbsp pure pea protein

  • 1 tbsp almond butter

  • 1 tbsp flaxseed

  • 1/2 tbsp chia seeds


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blitz until smooth, add extra water if required to reach desired consistency, pour into a bowl or glass and top with extra pomegranate and almond butter.

Learn more

This pomegranate smoothie recipe is packed with macro and micronutrients to support you throughout your follicular phase with ingredients high in fibre, protein, nourishing fat, probiotics, iron, vitamin c and antioxidants. Get to know each ingredient and their benefits below - 

Flaxseed and chia seed - high in iron, nourishing fat and insoluble fibre, flaxseed support regular digestion, estrogen metabolism and balanced blood sugar

Pomegranate and raspberry - high in vitamin c, antioxidants and prebiotic fibre pomegranate can protect the body against free radicals and toxins, support a thriving gut microbiome and boost iron absorption.

Avocado - high in insoluble fibre, omega-3 and vitamin c avocados are a powerhouse ingredient supporting regular digestion, balanced blood sugar and appetite satisfaction

Greek yogurt - high in protein, nourishing fat and probiotics, pure greek yoghurt is a gut supportive food feeding your good gut bugs and it also works to balance blood sugar levels keeping you feeling fuller for longer

Pea protein - a complete protein, pea protein embodies all nine essential amino acids which are essential for protein synthesis and nutrient absorption. As a rich protein source pea protein also works to support balanced blood sugar and appetite satisfaction between meals.

Almond butter - high in nourishing fat, protein and fibre, almonds are a powerhouse food supporting balanced blood sugar, slow release energy and mood.

About Jen

Australian born wellness enthusiast now based in Stockholm, is on a mission to disempower toxic diet culture and body standards and empower the female community via conscious, female focused absolutely delectable food. Born from her own female unwell-being experiences including Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA), severe iron deficiency anaemia, digestive issues and infertility, sync aspires to empower the female community with intelligently delicious wisdom she wishes she knew a decade before.  

Sync stands for sync your nutrition cycle because we believe food should be at the forefront of the female wellbeing routine. As a female in pursuit of a life of vitality our food choices deeply matter so we created snacks designed to nourish your mind, body and soul.. and tantalise your tastebuds too. 

Sync snacks are due to launch this summer and will be available for purchase online and via Stockholm’s leading wellness centres, pilates studios and more.

Syncorganics website

Syncorganics Instagram page


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