Hormone Hacks: Why Blood Sugar Supportive Routines Matter

Mismanaged blood sugar is a critical contributor to many hormonal concerns and other health issues faced by women today. PMS, cramps, low libido, energy, mood, anxiety, brain fog and PCOS have all been linked to mismanaged blood sugar and in many cases can be swiftly alleviated via simple blood sugar management strategies throughout the day. Here’s what every female should know.

Blood Sugar Management is a #1 priority

Research has revealed in many cases women are more susceptible to blood sugar spikes and dives and this can be particularly amplified depending on where we are in our cycle. For example, it has been shown that alcohol influences women's blood sugar levels at a much higher degree vs a man and on top of this we know that women are more sensitive to the impacts of alcohol in our luteal and menstrual phase compared to the follicular and ovulatory phase of our cycle. But, why are blood sugar spikes an everyday concern? 

When our blood sugar spikes (like when we drink alcohol or highly processed carbohydrates aka a bag of potato chips) our internal systems become overwhelmed with glucose. As a corrective strategy this then triggers our body to release insulin to bring our blood sugar levels back to homeostasis. This is all managed by our liver who is also responsible for nutrient absorption, protein synthesis, metabolism, digestion and toxin elimination which are all critical processes with direct correlation to female reproductive and general wellbeing.

While our body is programmed to respond accordingly when our blood sugar spikes this doesn’t mean there will be zero ramifications for doing so. A blood sugar spike is typically followed by feelings of lethargy, brain fog, irritability or incessant hunger 1 - 2 hours after a large, carb-dense meal and that’s just the beginning. Chronically mismanaged blood sugar has been shown to have long term effects on the female reproductive system, fertility, cardiovascular health and is a significant risk factor for PMS, period issues, PCOS and diabetes.

The relationship between blood sugar levels and our hormones

Our endocrine system perceives mismanaged blood sugar as a stressor prompting our adrenals to produce unnecessary cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenalin. These hormones shift the body into fight or flight mode which is a necessary function in the case of a real life stressor such as responding to a health emergency. Unfortunately, when we are eating blind and simply riding the blood sugar rollercoaster after each meal we are causing our bodies to operate in a chronically stressed state, depleting our cortisol reserve and increasing our likelihood of PCOS, adrenal fatigue and diabetes.

Mismanaged blood sugar and its related stress on the body can reduce progesterone production, delay ovulation, cause period irregularities, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and disrupt your gut flora. While there are many stressors in today’s modern world which are simply out of our control, in most cases blood sugar management isn’t one of them and should be every female's utmost priority when seeking hormonal harmony and general experiences of vitality. Here’s our top tips to support balanced blood sugar every day.

Blood Sugar Management Tips & Tricks

  • Eat breakfast within 90 minutes of waking to prevent blood sugar dives

  • Dilute 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and consume before your food

  • Always eat fibre, protein and healthful fat before your complex carbohydrates

  • Move your body for 3-10 minutes post meal to use any excess energy from your food

  • Always eat before caffeine, and even better.. Add healthy fats or collagen to your caffeine

  • Add cinnamon or turmeric to your recipes to reduce blood sugar spikes 

Check out some of our favourite recipes created entirely with balanced blood sugar and your cycle in mind.

Insert links to the recipes > asparagus and burrata salad, green halloumi salad, pomegranate smoothie.

This article is for generic informational purposes only, and is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Withsara and sync organics always recommend working with a health professional with direct insight to your specific needs. The contents of this article are provided with the understanding that Withsara and sync organics are not engaged in the provision or rendering of medical advice or services. You understand and agree that Withsara or sync organics shall not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon any content or information in the article.

About Jen

Australian born wellness enthusiast now based in Stockholm, is on a mission to disempower toxic diet culture and body standards and empower the female community via conscious, female focused absolutely delectable food. Born from her own female unwell-being experiences including Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA), severe iron deficiency anaemia, digestive issues and infertility, sync aspires to empower the female community with intelligently delicious wisdom she wishes she knew a decade before.  

Sync stands for sync your nutrition cycle because we believe food should be at the forefront of the female wellbeing routine. As a female in pursuit of a life of vitality our food choices deeply matter so we created snacks designed to nourish your mind, body and soul.. and tantalise your tastebuds too. 

Sync snacks are due to launch this summer and will be available for purchase online and via Stockholm’s leading wellness centres, pilates studios and more.

Syncorganics website

Syncorganics Instagram page


Hormone Hacks: Foods To Prevent PMS And Cramps


Hormone Hacks: The Gut Health & Hormone Connection