Success stories from our community

Read Antonia’s story, a journey from destructive habits to a healthy life balance

I first met Sara whilst working as a receptionist for a prestigious yoga studio in the heart of Stockholm – an event I consider to be wonderfully serendipitous. 

Though I felt incredibly auspicious to be working amongst the most established individuals within the health care arena – all the ‘happy-go-lucky individuals ’simply made me want to hide the shame and horror of my own tumultuous private world; in essence, I was a total mess! I was unconsciously numbing my pain through destructive behaviors, namely food, and alcohol. I had gained 10 kilos of weight and happily chose to believe that my body’s changes were simply a natural consequence of aging. I was in a space where I believed ‘naughty’ behaviors could be validated as normal ways of coping with life – because well, life is miserable and we just need to get on with it 

I shudder to think of those times.


Then in came Sara. How could such a beautiful, perfect specimen have compassion for someone like me, a complete shambolic mess? I learned very quickly that Sara reserves no judgment, has a wicked sense of humor and truly judges no one because she GENUINELY operates from a space of love and healing – as cheesy as it sounds, she sees your potential and works with that.


Quite honestly, she saved me through this pandemic. Initially, I could not even do her workouts. I could do 5 minutes at a time and then pause the videos to drink water and take a break. I still frequently feel the need to pause the video! Honestly, I usually just do her mini videos and stretching sessions when I feel I cannot manage, but somehow I managed to lose 7.5 kilos of fat and have gained strength and flexibility. This is largely due to her one-to-one coaching sessions because she knows exactly how to dialogue with you on a level that helps approach your relationship with food and emotions – and I have learned that to be key.


I still eat my chocolate and drink my wine – but I no longer need those things to get through tough times. Even if I did, Sara does not judge – she simply reflects your own narrative back to you (with warmth) and helps you to share any struggles you are going through, in a safe space. This was the crux of my healing, having someone bring you a healthy reflection of your own behavior and gently bring you into a space of awareness, with no shame.

Sara also helped me especially with my gut issues – something that has plagued me for years. Through a specific program she carefully tailored for me, she helped me gain a level of vitality I never could have imagined. The most remarkable thing about this is, she never directed me to do anything, but simply found a way to me engineer my inner directive, so that I would want to manage it, and create it for myself. Which I have.

I just love Sara, and could not recommend her more.



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